
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

my article in google translate

I just opened my website is a long time, and in fact one of the articles there have been translated from English into English. I already have other people who use google translate to translate the page. Original title is cara instalasi xampp
And this is a version of the translation in the English language

XAMPP is an installation package for PHP, Apache and MySQL. By using XAMPP, we do not need to be bothered to install the software that third separately.XAMPP can be downloaded at http://www.apachefriends.org/en/index.html.Here is how to install XAMPP.

  1. Run the file xampp-Win32-1.4.12-installer.exe (or other version)

  2. Then will appear to select a language option during installation to run.Please select the English language or English, unless you take another language. In this example I choose the English language because I love English.Memilih bahasa

  3. The installation will start. Click forward to get started.Mulai Instalasi

  4. Akan appear license software. Please read it if you want, but I prefer not to read it because too many. Click I Agree to continue.Lisensi Software

  5. Then please select your location to install XAMPP. Then click install

  6. Wait a while until the installation is complete.Tunggu sebentar

  7. Installation finishedinstalasi selesai

  8. Until this stage, we have installed XAMPP. That means we have finished installing PHP, Apache and MYSQL. The next step is to run servicenya.

  9. Run the XAMPP Control Panel on the desktop. Or you can also run the XAMPP Control Panel from the Start menu -> All Programs -> apachefriends -> xampp -> xampp control panel.xampp control panel

  10. Turn on Apache and Mysql by clicking the Start button. Open your web browser, and type http://localhost. If it looks like below, then apache is installed correctly.

  11. As information only, document property XAMPP root folder is located on the E: \ Program Files \ apachefriends \ xampp \ htdocs. This is because I install XAMPP folder on the E: \ Program Files \ apachefriends.

you can view the complete article in english here

Monday, January 12, 2009

how to get number of days in the month with php

if you want to know number of days in the month with php, you can call function cal_days_in_month()
this function returns the number of days in a given month, based on the calendar, month, and year that you specify

the format of this function is
Cal_days_in_month (calendar, Month, year)
This function have three parameters,
  • calendar, you can fill this parameter with CAL_GREGORIAN
  • month, you can fill this parameter with month (1 - 12)
  • year, you can fiil this parameter with 4 digits of year (2008)
example :
$days = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, 1, 2009) ;
echo "In January 2009 there were $days days";

that example will display
In january 2009 there were 31 days